Wednesday, April 8, 2015

How To Keep Your Students Healthy for Exams- Take a Break!

I was always extremely nervous when taking attendance during final exams.  My school often called teachers up throughout the summer to grade the tests of students who had been sick during exams.  There was nothing worse than getting a phone call on July 12th that Jimmy took his final and wanted it graded IMMEDIATELY!

So how can we keep our kiddos healthy and able to take their exams when they're supposed to?  Try a hug break!

Recent research suggests that hugs can offer a "stress-buffering effect."  The more we are hugged, the better our immune system is capable of fighting off infections.  Even more interesting, the wider our social network, the longer we are expected to live and fight off disease.  

Testing really has become a "season" of school for our high-achieving AP students.  Between AP tests, state standardized tests, and final exams, our students can take 10-15 major exams in a span of a few weeks.  Encourage them to take a break from the books, hang out with friends, and ask for a hug when they need it.  

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