Sunday, March 29, 2015

Operational Definitions Freebie!

Hello to all readers!  

I am finally getting around to starting a blog for AP psychology teachers, and I am so excited!  I was a psychology major at Texas A&M, and have had a passion for psychology from my first psych class my sophomore year.  Finally, in my eighth year of teaching, I earned the AP Psychology position at my school.  It was my favorite year of teaching by far.

I am staying home right now with my 1 year old son, and wouldn't trade our time together for the world.  But I do sometimes miss the industrial feeling I felt while working outside of the home.  I loved creating lessons and the accomplished feeling when I made something that I knew my students would respond to.  About a month ago, I decided to start creating lessons and attempting to sell them on Teachers Pay Teachers.  It allows me to feel productive and more like an adult during my son's nap time.  And honestly, I feel like I'm creating better lessons than I did when I was actively teaching!  There were so many pressures from administration, grading deadlines, etc. when I was teaching, and now that I am at home I feel like I can actually sit and concentrate on creating activities with far more focus than I could when I was in the classroom.  Now that I'm out of the rat race, I can actually enjoy creating lessons.  

To kick off the blog, I'm offering a FREE activity on operational definitions.  Man, did my students struggle with operational definitions!  This assignment starts with a clear explanation and example of operation definitions in simple language, and then asks students to create an operational definition in ten scenarios.  The scenarios ask students to think of operational definitions for abstract concepts such as guilt, anger, and love.

Please enjoy this freebie, and check back soon for a free AP Psychology sub lesson, as well as other helpful links, news, and resources for the AP classroom.      

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