Friday, April 10, 2015

AP Exam Review - Sensation and Perception

Review season for the AP exam can get so monotonous, that I wanted to create a review that kind of changes is up.  My Sensation and Perception Review  asks students to create a mnemonic device to help remember information for two of six topics in the Sensation and Perception unit.  The teacher can then compile and share the best mnemonic devices for each subject with the entire class.

This worked really well in my class, because it created a long-term way for students to remember the topics.  It was also a great review for the learning unit, as they studied mnemonic devices in that chapter as a way to aid in the retrieval of information.  My students said this was a really helpful activity for them.  

From April 10th through April 13th, I will be offering this lesson 20% off in preparation for review season.  Enjoy!  

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